At the Sweden Kazakhstan Business Council forum 8th of December in Stockholm. The Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Sweden Dr. Dastan Yeleukenov appointed two new Honorary Consuls of Kazakhstan to Sweden.
- Mr. Leif Zetterberg (to the far left) was appointed Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan in Svealand
Mr. Joakim Dahl (second from the left) was appointed Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan in Götaland.
The Business forum of the Sweden Kazakhstan Business Council and the official reception of the occasion of the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, December 8th, was celebrated at Sheraton Hotel in Stockholm
Attending at the forum was Swedish investors, companies and entrepreneurs who wanted to learn more about the business opportunities in Kazakhstan. The Forum provided a good insight and update of the current developments and trend in the market. An extra attention was given to the geopolitical movements by Mr Johan Engvall from the Institute for Security & Development Policy.
- Mr Engvall, pointed out some negative influences from world economy also now hitting the region
- Kazakhstan’s re-orientation of trade. In 2013, major trading partners: EU ($38 billion out of $110 billion); China ($28 billion); Russia ($14 billion)External shocks, such as: lower oil prices, slowdown in Russia, exchange rates movements, economic slowdown expected to extend to the medium-term in the region. Mr Engvall also high lighted the potential in the areas of trade. Trade with China has increased tremendously past 10 years (from $5 billion to $50 billion). ”Silk Road Economic Belt” is now becoming a reality with the new Central Asia land corridor connecting Europé to Asia. EU-China trade a prime driver.

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