First Kazakhstan – Sweden Agriculture Co-operation Worksshop
The first ever Co-operation Workshop was held the 26th of October, at Övergrans with senior level participants from Sweden and the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Sweden.
The objective of the workshop was to establish areas of co-operation in the agriculture sector between Sweden and kazakhstan. Counsellor, Dudar Zhakenov gave a introductional presentation of Kazakhstan, facts & figures and with a focus on the development and potential in the agriculture sector.
The workshop was very constructive and productive and carried out in a very positive spirit among the partcipants.
The meeting concluded the need to form a more structured working process in the exploration of the full potential in the bilateral commercial ambitions in the agriculture sector. Therefore the meeting formed the “Acricultural section” of the future Sweden – Kazakhstan Business Council. Were the participants of the workshop made up its first and founding members.